Anritsu MX280007A : Mobile InterferenceHunter
Anritsu Mobile Interference Hunting System Quick. Reliable. Multi-Emitter.
Anritsus Mobile InterferenceHunter MX280007A is a quick and reliable way to find single or multiple sources of interference. The ability to work with multiple signal sources, reflections, RF shadows, drifting signals, bursty signals, and multi-path distinguish the Anritsu Mobile InterferenceHunter MX280007A from more expensive solutions targeted at single fixed frequency interference sources.
The Mobile InterferenceHunters post-capture analysis capability allows users to modify search parameters without re-driving the route. This allows re-analysis of the captured data as well as consulting with experts.
The Mobile InterferenceHunter works with the broad array of Anritsus handheld spectrum analyzers, providing interference hunting and spectrum clearing capability from 9 kHz to 54 GHz. The Mobile InterferenceHunter is a quick, reliable, and multi-emitter enabled solution to your interference hunting and spectrum clearing needs.
Sample Mobile InterferenceHunter System Components
For a full description of the Anritsu Mobile InterferenceHunter MX280007A, please see the product brochure, available under the Library tab.
By utilizing Anritsus proprietary interference finding algorithms, the Anritsu Mobile InterferenceHunter MX280007A software will quickly determine the position estimate of an interfering signal. Once sufficient measurements are accumulated in Area Scan mode, the Anritsu Mobile InterferenceHunter MX280007A software can create a heat map indicating the position of the interference source. The heat map becomes smaller as more measurements are taken, refining the signal location estimate.
With a user interface optimized for Windows touchscreen tablets the Anritsu MX280007A software is simple to use. Features include: