Anritsu MX280001A : Vision Remote Spectrum Monitoring Software
A software application which runs on a PC or laptop using the Windows operating system for monitoring, identifying, and locating interference signals covering a wide geographical area.
Vision is a software application which runs on a PC/laptop using the Windows operating system (Windows 7/8/10/11). It can optionally be used with all Anritsu remote spectrum monitors (Anritsu MS27100A/01A/02A/03A, and MS27201A) for monitoring, identifying, and locating interference signals. Vision is composed of two components responsible for monitoring and geo-locating signals of interest:
1. Vision Monitor (option 400)
2. Vision Locate (option 401)
Vision Monitor
Vision Monitor is the visible user interface for monitoring remote spectrum activity. Measurement data is provided in a variety of formats including spectrum trace data, spectrograms, tables and plots. Real-time spectrum measurements can be accessed from anywhere in the network where multiple monitors are deployed.
The Vision Monitor application is fully automated. Measurements can be captured and periodically uploaded to a database for further processing. Depending on need and storage capacity, users can store spectrum history over many months or years. Typically in a system with 1,000 probes with each probe uploading spectrum data every 15 minutes, a 30 day spectral history would require about 1 TB of storage capacity.
All spectrum measurement databases are searchable, allowing the user to quickly locate patterns of signal activity relevant to an investigation. The spectrum history can also potentially be used in legal proceedings for documenting illegal or unlicensed broadcast activity. Other functions provided by Vision Monitor include the following: